Henry Young

I learned to sail on the Toms River and Barnegut Bay in New Jersey beginning in the summer of 1958 on a Barnegut Bay Sneakbox and traditional cat boat. Served in the US Navy aboard USS Samuel B Roberts (DD 823) and USS Detroit (AOE 4) as a Quartermaster. Owned three boats, 16' catboat built by John D. Little, a 25' Wianno Senior built in 1923 by Crosby Yachts in Osterville, MA and restored by myself in the late 1970's and a 40' Rhodes Offshore 40. Following 26 years of ownership, I sold Siskiwit to Don Brannon in 2015. Siskiwit's home port is presently Mobile, Alabama.

Sailing to Roatan

Undoubtedly, boats departing from Northern Florida may find it easier to navigate the outer Bahamas and Windward Passage to destinations in the Western Caribbean.  Don Brenner cut across the Gulf of Mexico taking departure from Mobile, AL and through the Yucatan Channel a popular route to take for sailors heading to the Bay Islands, Guatemala, […]

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Philip L Rhodes Boat Designs

Philip L. Rhodes (1895-1974) was a prolific, lifetime designer of all types of vessels from small recreational dinghies to large yachts, commercial cargo and military vessels. He designed in power and sail, for construction in wood, metals, and fiberglass. He wrote articles and published his designs in many periodicals, including Yachting, Rudder, Motor Boat, and

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Father’s Day Surprise

As Siskiwit, a Rhodes Offshore 40 begins her 51st season, it was so nice to receive a current photo of her from Sally Brennan. I note Siskiwit now has a anchor windlass, and see Don Brennan swapped out her original Chrome Air Cowlings for solar driven air intakes. The cabin varnish is looking, top of

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